Thursday, February 25, 2010


I am finally here in California with my beloved. He's been here for a week, I got in last night. I am surprised by how much the time change has affected me...I've been messed up all day today. Right now, John is at work. I dropped him off a little over an hour ago, he has to close tonight. It was nice being able to drive around with him this morning and we had lunch together, so I had time to somewhat get my bearings. We'll take pictures to share with you, although I didn't bring my USB cable, so I can't upload any until we get home. It's very pretty here...lots of mountains. In some ways it's quite similar to Asheville, except greener...different vegetation. Today is a beautiful day...perfect weather. The area that the Chick-Fil-A John is working at has tons of shopping and a lot of different restaurants, etc. It's really quite a nice place. I came back to the hotel for a bit, I think I'm going to try to work out this afternoon. Then later on this evening I'll head back over near the store to find some place for dinner and pal around. I may even go to a movie, we'll see. Anyway, just wanted to give you a quick update from Cali. Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got there safely and having fun. There's a quilt shop nearby if you can find it. I'm always looking :). Love you guys.
