Autumn. She's here in full force now. So pretty. This weekend has been beautiful. It seems as though it happened over night and all of a sudden it's here. This is a view from up the parkway just a bit from our house.
Rust, burnt sienna, orange, terra cotta, gold, mustard, garnet...the most beautiful quilt of colors. She begs you to go grab a cup of something warm and sweet and curl up next to a fire basking in the pleasure of her warmth. Enjoy. The past few days I've been going for walks in the late afternoon/early evening around our neighborhood. Each day I pass by these trees...and I adore them. This golden beauty is in our own backyard. Did you know lemon yellow could stretch beyond summertime? Well, it can. Finally, here's a hello from the Williamson's. On the craft front... I designed this little airplane a month or so ago, I just didn't get to stitching him out until today. I think he's simple and sweet.
Oh goodness this post made me want to move to Ashville!!!! :) How beautiful it is!! :) I miss you guys soooo much!! And, seriously, are SOOOO talented!! Your work is precious and beautifully done!