Friday, December 18, 2009

So Much Fun

Oh, it's just so much fun I have to keep you up-to-date today. Isn't it beautiful? Everything is still and quiet...and just glorious.
We're over 5 inches now...and it doesn't look to be slowing down anytime soon. I think this may be the most we've had since I've lived here. Love it.


I'm already back with an update. I just had to because it already looks so different than it did a couple hours ago when I first posted. It's still coming down. Around 2 today it's supposed to pick up stronger again and not stop snowing that hard through the night. In fact we're looking at the potential of snow for the next few days. Can you even stand it?
Bubba text me a little bit ago. Chick-Fil-A closed at 10:30 today. Woo hoo! Bubba had an appt. to get to, but he should be home in probably an hour or so. I love to sit at home on a snowy pretty day with my love.
However, until then I have to get back to cleaning. Karen and Rod are coming into town tonight (pray they have safe travels). We're pretty excited for them to get here. Still haven't watched my movie and laundry are calling me. Perhaps when Bubba gets home we'll watch it together. Oh, for a fireplace!

It Has Started

Well, it's officially here. They've been calling for big snow today and Bubba (ever the skeptical one was doubtful). But, this morning while I was still sleeping he text me from work and said that if I wanted to go to the store today I better go now. I looked outside and found this. It has started. So, I immediately changed and headed to the store...the roads were already pretty slick. I got a bunch of groceries and made the trek home.
Where I started singing...
It won't be long before we'll all be there with snow
I want to wash my hands, my face and hair with snow

I long to clear a path and lift a spade of snow
Oh, to see a great big man entirely made of snow
To catch anyone up who does not know that song, it's from White Christmas, which just happens to be one of my favorite Christmas movies. I've been saying to John for a couple weeks that I want to find the perfect time to sit down and watch it this year. I think today is a perfect day. Oh, how I adore that sweet movie. The singing...the dancing...the lack of snow...the excess of snow...more singing and dancing...oh, and Bing, Danny, and Rosemary. Oh, what a fabulous movie. I can hardly wait.
They are saying we should be getting this for the next good while...5-8 inches worth.
Woo hoo. I'll keep you apprised of that. What a fabulous way to head into Christmas.
Oh, how I love snow.

Thursday, December 17, 2009


I had the privilege of making Addyson's Christmas dress this year...and it was so much fun! I've had the hankering to sew dresses for a little while now, and I finally got my chance. I think I may be hooked. This was my first dress. In fact it was a few firsts for first gather/ruffle...and my first buttonholes. I'm very pleased with the way it turned out. I hope that it fits her well because there's no doubt that she'll be cute regardless. So, here it is....
Heather (Addyson's mommy) picked out the fabrics and she found a picture of what she wanted it to look like, so I took it from there. And now you get to send the end result. Of course since it is Christmas, it'll be a bit cold, so I monogrammed a turtleneck for her to wear with the dress.
Here's another close-up of the shirt. I had Bubba snap these pictures for me as we were in a hurry to get to a dinner for work tonight.
What do you think? The plan is that Addyson will be able to wear it for a's got colors that work for Christmas, without being too over the top so that she can wear it throughout the year. Heather and I talked at dinner tonight, and probably after it warms up some I'll add an "A" to the front in that pretty pinky-red.

I've got plans for a couple more dresses in the next couple weeks. I'm pretty excited about them.

One Last Glimpse of the Show

I was about to write another post and realized I had some pictures from my craft fair, so that I can show you what my table looked like. (This was during the camera debacle, so we just got a few). This is what my table looked like, to the left of this I had my clothes rack with all the onesies and shirts hanging...and a couple more hooded towels.Just another glimpse at some bibs and burp cloths.
This is my pirate hooded towel hanging on the end of the clothes rack. This one went pretty quickly. :)
Some of the kitchen towels...more hooded towels...and a purse among other things.
The board of hair clips.
Unfortunately I didn't get pictures of everything...but that's a good look. So that'll probably be it for craft show posts.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


I am working on a way to make my blog order-friendly for those of you who may want to place orders. I have also given quite a bit of thought into opening at etsy store in January. I think that I will do that, but want to wait to get through the holidays first. I will let you know when that happens and how you can access that shop. Either way, you will see some new things coming soon so that anyone who wants to place an order will be able to do so effectively.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Craft Fair (Some)

Ok, ok, I know I've been pathetic at updating the blog lately. But I'm back on track now. We had several issues with the camera, etc. Now those have been resolved. I've been pretty busy filling some orders this week and doing a few things for a Christmas party...but the end is in sight (at least for orders). I still have all my Christmas presents to make. Anyway, I uploaded several pictures the day before the blog, but never finished this post. So here are some of the things I had last weekend.

Some kitchen towels for those who don't have little people to buy for.
This was part of my assortment of burp cloths.
And some of the many bibs.
Pirate hooded towel...pirate ship on the hood, pirate hat and treasure map on the towel portion.
purple birdie tee
i love these whale onesies...i picture them on boy/girl twins.
flower onesie
birdie onesie
train onesie
truck onesie
another whale (this one has more detailing, just hard to tell here)
another truck onesie
and this was a cool design from some fabric i have
this was part of my 'work in progress' mode.

So, this is closing out the post that's been sitting here for a while. More to come later.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


It's over...I made it. My first official craft fair was a small success. I promise to upload lots of pictures and tell you all about it, but at the moment I'm about to crash. So reporting will commence later.

For those of you who attended the craft fair today, THANK YOU! I appreciate the business and loved sharing what I love to do with you. I spoke with several of you about potential orders...or making you something you saw that you liked in some form or fashion. Remember, if there was any design at all that you saw that you liked, I can put it on any of my items, even if it wasn't like that today. Also, I can monogram items for a personal touch. Please, either comment to this portion of the blog or email me. I look forward to sewing for you soon!